1 Inch Chrome Barbell + 2 Spinlock Collars - 5.5ft

£33.99 Sale

TnP Accessories 1" Standard Barbell is a solid steel bar with chrome palting, 2 spink lock collars and knurled grip sections. the 2 chrome-plated spin lock collars ensure the weight plates are held firmly in place, these 2 collars prevent the weight plates from sliding or falling of the barbell. Spin lock collars provide a quick release while still more that capable of holding weight plates in place. this is ideal for 1" “Standard” weight plates which have a 1" inner diameter hole

Save time by not having to travel to and from the gym at busy times of the day. Don't miss your workout because you don't the time just use this barbell at home. Great for exercising every major and minor muscle group in the body and can also be used for circuit training to burn fat and get great cardio vascular conditioning.


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